We had a wonderful time at the first gettogether of chair caners and seat weavers from across the country for our founder’s meeting of The SeatWeavers’ Guild in Nelsonville, OH on July 13-15, 2007!!!!!
The official name for our new weaving guild, chosen by a vote of the 19 Founding Members is:
The SeatWeavers’ Guild with the acronym to be, TSWG
Our name has the word “The” in the official name, is plural possessive (with the apostrophe after the “s”), and both the “S” in the word seat and the “W” in weavers are capitalized for emphasis.
The first Board of Directors is made up of:
President, Cathryn Peters
Vice President, Ray DeFrancesco
Secretary, Alleen Hooper
Treasurer, Pierre Amyotte
Member-at-Large, Mindy King
Member-at-Large, Tom Holtkamp
Member-at-Large, Sharon Dempsey
Eventually we will hold annual membership business meetings beginning next year, held agaiin in Nelsonville, Ohio and will call these meetings, our annyual Gathering.
It’s been suggested to also have chair caning classes and demonstrations and possibly sales of tools, supplies and instruction books at the Gatherings.
Stay tuned and watch our guild as we apply for non-profit status, set up a website and acquire members from across the nation!
We are the first and only chair caning guild in the United States!
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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~
Happy Weaving, until next time!