I’ve not been quite myself lately and certainly not my usual “Chatty Cathy” on the blog, as I have been in the past and here’s the reason why… But fair warning, I’m making up for lost time on this post, it’s a long one.

March 20, 2011–I’ve been a bit under the weather the last week or so. But with the promise of Spring, after all this IS the Spring Equinox, also comes renewed energy, so watch out for bright rays of sunny posts streaming your way soon!
Yeah, right; sorry about the frosty picture above, but it was the only one I could find in my photo library with rays of sunshine. But maybe it’s not so bad after all because this morning when Mister Wicker Woman and I got up, it was SNOWING again. And here it is almost noon now when I’m posting and the temperature is only at 36 degrees F. Brrrr!
There are no real true signs of that Spring weather here yet unless you want to count those ever so few and sparse willow buds beginning to show.
Since we still have about two feet of snow on the ground in the yards and fields around our house and icy treacherous walks to the mailbox, me thinks Spring will still be a bit in coming up here.
Well now, bring it back to me…For about the last year now, I’ve been on a plan to lose weight and shape up and fly right!
Especially after going through the trauma of Mister Wicker Woman’s second bout with melanoma skin cancer in four years and extensive surgeries to remove the tumors.
We have both changed our outlook on the relationship between what we eat and its connection to ill health, including cancer.
Mr. Wicker Woman has lost a ton of weight and bulked up muscle tone and I’ve lost 30 pounds. We just won’t go there concerning my exercising and muscle tone program now, will we?
But all my hard diet changes and efforts to reclaim my health came back to bite me in the ass last week when I fell off the wagon big time, and I am really paying the price now.
You know how it is when you’ve been watching what you’re eating to make sure there’s no intake of processed or junk food, no sugar at all (except for fruits and honey), and especially no sugar-laden soft drinks, juices or booze.
And you’re so good that you only consume whole grains, when and if you eat grains at all, drink lots of filtered water until you think you’ll float away, and you’re trying to eat only organically grown fruits and vegetables and grass-fed and/or free-range meats?
You’re doing your level best, taking super duper supplements to keep your colon moving along nicely, your ticker tocking regularly and your immune system singing its own sweet song?
Then wambo, you fall off the wagon, have a major meltdown and backslide, paying for every indiscretion, BIG TIME! Well, that’s exactly what happened to me a couple weeks ago.
Papa John and I went down to visit the kids, grandkids, and other relatives and do some other things in the Twin Cities.
Miss Smarty Pants, herself here, thought she’d built up her immune system enough and had been such a good girl, that a couple of stops at the fast food places along the way wouldn’t hurt a thing. WRONG!
After our return home, I spent the entire day on the toilet, had gained SIX pounds (even after all that time on the can), had massive headaches, and felt pure ‘d rotten.
Then, this week, after demonstrating bee skep making and chair seating at the Range of the Arts, Heritage on the Iron Range last weekend, I came down with what I think is either bronchitis or my asthma brought on bronchitis.
The bubbling, rumbling, and wheezing is back in my lungs after not being bothered with that for years.
So I’ve been coughing my head off, running a slight temperature, not sleeping well, consequently napping frequently and not thinking clearly enough to make posts, until today.
Rest assured, I’m toddling off to the doctor’s office tomorrow to make certain what I have is not bronchitis or walking pneumonia.
And of course, I have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and gotten back on the wagon. I’m strictly sticking to Doug Kaufmann’s anti-fungal Phase 1 Diet at www.KnowtheCause.com, for real this time.
Soon I’ll be back to my old cheerful self! See ya later, alligator!
What are your thoughts about this blog post?
Leave your comments below and share with your social networks!
~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~
Happy Weaving, until next time!
Thank you, Cathryn! With a quick look at your link, I may have found just the diet resource I’ve been looking for. I’ve just viewed a few testimonials and looking forward to learning more. Sorry to hear you’ve felt under the weather, but the stomach thing is proof that you were on the right track when you’re body strongly rejected the bad stuff. Feel better soon!
Thanks Christy, I think I’m on the mend again and nearly feeling like my old self now.
you go! I completely understand. I’ve been going through something similar — you’ve given me a good idea for a blog entry!
Hahaha! Glad I could help you out there, Cat, just wish it was on a better topic than being sick! Finally caved in and made a doctor’s appointment, think this really is bronchitis again, not just a simple cold :~(
Oh, Cathryn. Sounds like you’ve not been having fun at all. Hope you’re on the mend now. It’s amazing what eating a bit of junk food will do! After more than 25 yrs of being a vegetarian, I wonder how it would hit me? (Being veg is healthy in many ways, incl. no stops at fast food places cuz they don’t have anything I’ll eat!)
All the best. I know you’ll return soon to your very active & enthusiastic self!
Yes Jane, I guess I had better be packing my own meals whenever I travel, or shop at the natural foods stores from now on! Going through this ordeal only a time or two really takes me down quickly.
Hi Cathy – so sorry to hear that you have been so under the weather (self inflicted or not) – and I am happy that you sound like it is already getting better.
You lost 30 pounds? That’s amazing – I am sure that you (and Mr. Wicker Woman too) soon will be back to your old (new) cheerful self.
Lene, I was heavy to begin with and still have another 30 pounds to go before I’m at an optimum weight for my height and age. Remarkable how fast those extra pounds creep up and how slowly they come off.
CATHRYN !!!!!! You look Marvelous !!!!!
I am purple with envy !!
Wish I has the willpower, so, you GO, Girl !
Thank you Jan, but I have more weight to go. Learned my lesson though, just can’t/won’t eat the way I used to, much too unhealthy and detrimental to my well being.