Minnesota Public Radio

I absolutely love our Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) here in the State. It’s the best by far of any public radio station I’ve listened to in any other state! Founded in 1967 and totally

Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) logo

My favorite section of MPR is the Classical station, although MPR also has a Contemporary station for the younger crowd and the News station for those who want to be constantly on top of the daily happenings and events.

I have listened to Classical music for years and when weaving in my studio, it’s on the radio all day long. Classical music seems to calm me down and I get into “the zone” listening to it while weaving away on chair seats or creating my antler basket sculptures.

There have been many studies done on the benefits of listening to classical music such as:

  • Reduces stress
  • Improves memory
  • Helps to eliminate depression
  • Improves sleep cycles
  • Relieves pain
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improving physical movement

However, I am not a fan of opera and that’s what’s been playing for the last few minutes this Saturday afternoon as I’m weaving more antler baskets for the galleries and writing my blog, of course!

I’m trying desperately to acquire a taste for opera, as I am a singer myself. I feel that in order to broaden my horizons, should like all types of music. At least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself all my life.

I really do appreciate the singers’ dedication to the art and all the time and effort it’s taken them to attain their level of expertise. Maybe if I understood the Italian language it was sung in, that might help matters however I still don’t care for the music even when it’s sung in English!

But “it’s off with your head” for today, OPERA! I’m changing the radio station right away! Maybe I can find some jazz or Celtic music or something else like that to keep my spirits up and keep me in the mood for weaving lots of antler baskets today.

How about you? What kind of music do you prefer to listed to as you work or weave? Keep weavin’ the threads of life! 

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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~

Happy Weaving, until next time!

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