Furniture Repair Directory Advertising Made Easy!

Chair caning man from the 1800s

Isn’t this old picture from the 1800s of a chair caning man marketing his repair services, great?

Do you, like him, weave chair caning seats, rush seats and/or splint seats for hire; or make any other kind of chair seat weaving repairs for that matter?

Or maybe you are a professional upholsterer or in the refinishing furniture business instead?

Having a hard time with your advertising? Does it cost you way too much through newspapers, magazines and Facebook ads?

Looking for an affordable, reliable, and effective way of advertising your repair skills?

Boost your online presence; look no further than the Furniture Repair Directory (FRD) advertising made easy right here on as your solution!

We’ve just made advertising on the FRD a whole lot easier by offering automatic renewals payable through PayPal or Stripe. You have the choice of an annual payment or monthly, now too.

Get peace of mind by signing up for automatic renewals to make certain you don’t forget to renew each year! Just set it and forget it!

In fact, all four sections of the Directory can now pay the easy way by annual subscription, including all you Wicker Repair, Furniture Refinishing, and Upholstery advertisers!

Take a look, and if you’re not already listed on one of the sections of the National Furniture Repair Directory, be sure and SIGN UP TODAY using the Advertise page!

Let the world know about your exceptional restoration abilities and that you are helping customers to preserve, renew, reuse and recycle their precious antiques, collectibles and even new furniture!

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Leave your comments below and share with your social networks!

~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~

Happy Weaving, until next time!

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