We are getting our first snow of 2012 today as I write this post, it’s just a light dusting so far, but the weatherman says there’s lots more to come on into the night!

Here we are not even to Halloween yet and absolutely not into the winter season, but definitely getting the white stuff already.

Am I ever glad I took those Fall Leaf Colors pictures a few weeks ago, because now after all the wind we’ve had, they are long gone!
See the dried cattails propped up in the rush chair seat frame in the back of the studio? That’s where I heard a mouse rustling around in the dried cattails, so have to set some traps. It’s always like this in the fall with approaching cold temperatures coming. Those little critters want a place to stay warm too, don’t they?
In coming posts this winter, I’ll show you how to use all those dried cattails and bulrushes for weaving chair seats and for use in basket projects. Stay tuned and stay warm!
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Oh No… Not SNOW!! already?? I hope it doesn’t move here to New Hampshire!!