Chair Caning Blog Hiccups Along the Way

Well, as with many things in life, everything doesn’t always go the way you planned. Just like here on the chair caning blog, hiccups along the way…Sometimes things get messy as in the chair caning knots here on the photo.

Chair caning knot mistakes on underneath side of seat.

Over the last several months, my website has taken on a massive transformation too, although it might not be readily apparent to the viewer.

Chocolate Labrador female with camouflage vest for duck hunting.

This old dog has had to learn many new tricks in 2015 and the big word for this year seems to be CHANGE! Things certainly are a’changin’ in my world anyway, whether I like it or not.


Aretha Franklin | Chain Of Fools || John Travolta Dance ||

Here on, over the last several months, we’ve added some new features, made theme design changes, added new plugins throughout the site, launched a new look for the National Furniture Repair Directory, and even changed host companies.

This host company I’m with now doesn’t allow emails on their servers, so I was almost forced to go with Google Apps for Work, (yet another CHANGE), since I couldn’t use my Outlook email client anymore. 

During that time of host migration, I lost all my emails. So if you sent me something within the last couple months and I haven’t responded, I most likely didn’t get it, please excuse me and send it again.

Google Apps for Work doesn’t support Outlook for Mac 2011, so I have had to switch totally over to using Gmail after using Outlook Express then Outlook for Mac as my email client for over 15 years. Whew!

I was wondering what else could possibly change for me. But I didn’t have to wait long for the answer there, address street name change! Now our street address has been changed back to what it was before we moved up here over ten years ago.

So I have to change the address on all the credit cards, bank accounts, driver’s license, dentist and medical records, magazine subscriptions, utility bills, internet accounts, club membership records, etc., etc., etc.

“Calgon take me away!”

Well, for those of you not old enough to remember that Calgon bath commercial from the 1970s and 1980s, I’ll leave you with the video, its sentiment, and my cry for calmer, more relaxing times…

Calgon commercial - 1987

Have you too, been going through a lot of changes in your life lately that you want to talk about? Let me know in the comments below.

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~~Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much ~~

Happy Weaving, until next time!

Cathryn script signature

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