August Country Living Magazine

As seen in the August issue of Country Living magazine…..

On page 56 of the Ask the Expert–Advice & Solutions to Decorating section, Country Living magazine Editor-at-Large Jane Dagmi used my suggestions on how to care for a painted wicker chair in response to an email inquiry from a reader!!!

I didn’t even know the piece was in the magazine until a friend stopped me in the grocery store on the 1st of July and said she just got her subscription to the August issue and saw it there. That same day my aunt from Washington state and my mom from Oklahoma both called me about it, too.

I looked in all the stores around me, but it was not yet on the stands. But I happened to see one in a gas station 200 miles away from my home down near Mora, MN when we were visiting my Jungroth relatives over the 4th of July, so I purchased it.

Now hubby says I drove 400 miles round trip just to buy a copy and see my name in print in a national magazine! Hahaha!

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