January 19 Coldest Day So Far in 2012

sunrise-angora-mn-1-18-12 7:58am
Sunrise Angora, MN 1-18-12 7:58 a.m.

Although these progression sunrise pictures are spectacular and warm looking, they are deceiving! It’s not warm up here in Northern Minnesota!

8 a.m. Sunrise Angora, MN 1-18-12

Yesterday when these shots were taken the temperature was -9 degrees, the coldest it’s been so far this winter up here.

sunrise-angora-mn-1-18-12 8:02am
Sunrise 8:02 a.m. Angora, MN 1-18-12

But now TODAY is a totally different ballgame! Our temperature outdoors with NO windchill was an actual -21 degrees! Just so you are clear about this, that’s BELOW ZERO as evident by the indoor-outdoor thermometer we have right here by the dinning table.

Coldest day so far in 2012 at -21 degrees 1-19-12 Angora, MN

But I heard on the radio that our close neighbor to the north, International Falls, MN (the official ice-box of the nation) had -22 degrees, beating us by one degree! Stay warm, ya’ll and let me know what it’s like in your neck of the woods by leaving a comment below.

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6 thoughts on “January 19 Coldest Day So Far in 2012”

  1. Great pictures!! But you couldn’t pay me to live in temperatures like that. I’m whining about 25 degrees here in NY.

    1. Thanks Christy for the compliments on the sunrise pictures. Hubby and I are constantly asking when we should pull the plug and become snowbirds and fly south. We do have relatives and friends in Arizona and New Mexico…

  2. Hi Cathryn,
    -24 as of the Weather Underground – here in Park Rapids. I absolutely LOVE those photos of the sunrise – Spectacular!! – We have really wonderful ones too, but the rays don’t shoot up like!! – Fab-u-lous! Thanks

    1. Hi there Nancy,

      You are SO lucky to have the colder temperature, not. Yes, wasn’t that shooting sunrise picture great? I have never seen anything like it, so thought I better snap it right away.

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