Award-winning, original design antler baskets, contemporary free-form antler basket sculptures, and antler wall art are handwoven by Wisconsin basketmaker artist, Cathryn Peters.

Antler Baskets Proudly American-Made
Creating one-of-a-kind (OOAK), original design antler baskets, antler art sculptures, and antler basket wall art has been a passion of Cathryn’s since 1990, when she designed and wove her first antler melon basket.
Cathryn’s rib-style contemporary antler basket pieces are a decorator’s dream and a collector’s prize possession, perfect for home, cabin, office, or gifts for any setting.
Each creation is lovingly woven to be distinctly unique and different from any others. Calling on her years of weaving and innate sense of shape, color combinations, and texture, Cathryn works with the male antler and the female vessel form blending them into one.
Woven Antler Basket Sculptures Just for You!
Cathryn’s natural, organic woven antler art has been featured in The Crafts Report, Basket Bits, and Basketmaker magazines as well as the 1999 reprint edition of Splint Woven Basketry by Robin Taylor Daugherty.
Her antler basket sculptures are also in many private collections, regional and national galleries, online juried exhibitions and shows, and gallery exhibitions.
We’re sure you’ll agree these antler basket art pieces are a perfect fit for any decor, adaptable to either a rustic cabin, contemporary home, or corporate office as the perfect decorating accessory or gift.
Click here for Cathryn’s artist statement about her passion for antler basketweaving.
Gallery of Previously Created Antler Basket Sculptures
Antler Basket Weaving Process
A variety of naturally shed and harvested deer, moose, reindeer, and elk antlers are used in each one of Cathryn’s antler basket sculptures.
The antler is an integral component, becoming either the handle or focal point of all of her creations. Each antler tells its story and “speaks” to her, suggesting the form it wants to take.
Sustainable materials such as cattail leaves, sweetgrass, birch bark, wild willow, diamond willow, willow bark, lichen, moss, pine cones, tamarack branches and cones, and red osier dogwood are gathered respectfully by Cathryn and incorporated into her baskets along with commercially processed imported rattan reed.
Handwoven Original Design Antler Baskets by Commission or Purchase
If you’d like to place an order for a custom-designed antler basket to fit your home or office, or to see pieces available for purchase, please visit my new art site at
We’re delighted you stopped to visit the antler basket page of! Come back again soon to see the variety of new antler basket art sculptures woven by Wisconsin (formerly Minnesota) antler basketmaker, Cathryn Peters.
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