Here’s the latest exciting news from Eileen Mirsberger’s East Troy Basketry Shop in East Troy, WI…
Contemporary Wicker Basketry
Flo Hoppe’s wonderful book has been out of print for several years, but it has now been reprinted and made better ever. This beautiful 192 page book contains 30 complete patterns and instructions for hundreds of additional techniques, bases, borders and more. It is filled with colored photos and detailed drawings, is spiral bound, and has an all new gallery section. $29.95
East Troy Basketry and its customers are celebrating the new release of Flo Hoppe’s classic book, Contemporary Wicker Basketry, with a Book Signing Party and Reception in her honor at East Troy Basketry. Free Food and Beverages provided. Sunday November 20, 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Door prizes will be drawn at 3:30pm
Please RSVP this event and reserve your copy of the book so you can have it personally autographed by Flo Hoppe herself by calling
1-888-424-98666 or email us at today!