New Year–New Beginnings!

Well, I don’t know about you, but with this new year–new beginnings are happening up here in the northland. I’ve been so pumped and high on life it’s been incredible! Clearing, cleaning and decluttering of body, mind and business.

sunrise angora mn

Some days I can actually feel a “buzzing” going on inside my body, I’m so charged up, it’s a really a different and weird situation I’ve never experienced before.

I’m sure my family and friends hang up the phone after one of my calls, scratching their heads wondering what kind of drugs or funny stuff I’ve been taking lately since I’m so animated and talkative.

So, to take advantage of my new-found energy, I’ve been cleaning out closets, dresser drawers, my studio (which has been in need of heavy-duty organization for a looong time), and the kitchen table to be specific and completing projects started ages ago, but never finished.

Getting rid of clutter and…

  • things that are no longer serving a purpose
  • items that I have no sentimental attachment to
  • things that are broken
  • clothes that don’t fit
  • items I haven’t used in the last year or two

I’m getting set for loads of new and exciting experiences and things to come into my life. Positive thoughts, affirmations, action and Feng Shui to the rescue!

Why oh why does that table seem to act like a magnet in gathering together all the piles and piles of papers? See that one little space there? That’s where I eat my meals and push everything else aside to make sure I don’t spill on them.

kitchen table mess

Stay tuned and subscribed to the blog for all the upcoming changes and additions here as well as in my personal and business life.

There will be lots of hints and tips on the seatweaving side of the blog as well as business help and advice from someone that’s “been there, done that” before.

I’ll also review some of the software I’ve purchased and used to make the blogging and website tasks a bit easier, and book reviews since I’m a voracious reader of late. Bought a few gadgets over the holiday season and want to share how that’s been going for me and maybe by sharing, help you out along the way, too.


Awwwhhhh, isn’t she cute? That was me weaving a set of six English hand-twisted cattail rush chair seats back in 1984!!! Can you believe it?

In all the sorting, packing, unpacking and cleaning up around here I stumbled across some very, very old photographs and albums. Will be posting a few here in the upcoming blogs. Enjoy!


About The Author

4 thoughts on “New Year–New Beginnings!”

  1. If you have any left over dusting energy, there’s extra dust at my house. I’ll gladly do your wash! (Not kidding.) I’ve gotten more ideas lately, so I am moving in the right direction, but the energy hasn’t followed all that much yet. But when I get out stuff for a new idea, I have more mess, so that isn’t helping anything.

    But the sun sure helps, doesn’t it!

    1. Ahhh, dusting is not really my forte Lois, but it sure would be nice to get together just to have coffee or something! Glad to hear the creative ideas are beginning to pop again and just trust that the energy will come too if you think about the positive end result and see yourself doing all those things you love.

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